The Problem with Social Media


There was a trend back in 2022 where students of a school would create various Instagram accounts for their school but it had different parts. People hopped on the trend from different schools. 

BAL students joined the trend because every other school was doing it. The trend seems entertaining, it also didn’t seem harmful. At the beginning of the trend, it wasn’t harmful. People, however, started sharing undesirable information about others and not themselves. 

Students at BAL had varying opinions about what was going on on the pages. 

Students were asked about how they felt about the “BAL Tea” page.

Emmanuelle Mpassi replied “It’s not about me, it’s bad for bullying”

When a teacher was asked how he felt about the page they stated. “I feel like it’s something that has been happening since social media became a thing. I think it’s unfair and it leads to tenths in the school.”

“It’s very funny and entertaining, and I found it very funny also ” Juan Montelongo responded 

“It’s very messy but it doesn’t bother me because I ignore it. People just tell me about it” Malhiki Raymond said 

“It’s childish and I feel like it could affect people’s mental health, ” said 12th graderRaelin Ramos 

11th grader Eddely Urena said, “I’m not in it so I don’t care about it. How I said about it, But my thing is how is the school now caring about it when it has been there for over a year now.”


To be honest I feel like the social media page can only affect people’s mental health if what is being posted is true. Won’t students make up lies to entertain others for their enjoyment? 


When asked whether or not the page would last for an extended period,  both students and teachers had different opinions on the topic. 


“I don’t know and I don’t think so, ”said Emmanuelle Mpassi

12th grader Malhiki Raymond believes, “I don’t see it lasting for a very long time ”

“I don’t know, if this page doesn’t last for a long time another one would be created,” a teacher said.

“I mean it’s already lasted for like a year but now teachers are taking action so I don’t think it’s gonna last long.” Eddely Urena

“It’s only gonna last for 2 months because all of the seniors are gonna leave soon” Juan Montelongo 

If the school had known about the issue earlier, this would have been taken care of. Many students’ business/ private information won’t have been put out of the whole school/ internet to view or talk about. 

Why it took the school so long to bring the issue to light is because I’ve heard that the page has been happening since last year when it became populated. What action is being taken to protect the students who are being put on blast?